Monday, September 12, 2011

Caring People..

They say :”people may forget what u say or what u do to them But they will never forget how u make them feel “I believe it for some people, but it seems that there are some people that don’t care also for how people make them feel, they just don’t care for anything!!!

What is strange here ,is that SOME people tend to CARE for the ones who DON’T care for them (or in other words who don’t care much for them)and the Ones who care for them the most ,they just deal with them like any other people they know or may be even less !!!!

What is also more strange, is that when someone cares too much (or not too much but at least with a great extent) at First, when u r just beginning to be friends, or just beginning to know each other and after a while ,After one year or something of knowing each other, many things simply changes and the caring also changes and the talking too. Although,I think that the OPPOSITE totally was supposed to Happen. At Least that is Logical huh?!!!

They Question is WHY?!!!! Why people start to care less after sometime?? (Let’s make it smaller and say why Friends start to care less after sometime?!!) Do they become afraid of being comitted??

For example, if a friendship is between a boy and a girl, and they were good friends at first then after some time, it’s all changed. One of them starts to care less and talk less and don’t find words to say when they are together. Why is that??? IS somebody afraid here that this caring will convert into love or something or that person is not ready to be comitted to someone?!! May be!!Or May be someone gets bored from the other?!! U never know!!

SO, what will u do if u were in that girl’s or that boy’s shoes?!! The one who her/his friend get bored of her and care less and talk less. Do u just accept that fact and start to care less as well?!! Or u continue Caring as u used to? May be he shall recognize that and recognize the difference between your caring and other peoples caring. People are really strange to understand. I think even if u r 100 years old, U will not be able to understand how or why people act like that?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, November 27, 2010


都已经毕业差不多三个月多了,我还没工作,真的觉得没用。我都已经二十二岁人了,还要跟我父亲掏零用钱,自己都觉得过意不去。在这几个月里,长时间内我都在吉隆坡。在我没有工作经验情况下,我应征了关于Banking/Financial, Human Resources, Purchasing/Material Mgmt,以及 Marketing/Business Dev 的部门。我应征了超过四十间公司了。在这四十间公司里,我面试了五到六间公司,可是就没有一间接受我。

昨天,我去了 AIA Shared Services Sdn Bhd 面试了,结果还是一样失败了。我面试了差不多六间公司了,没有一间公司讲出我为什么不合格,只有 AIA Shared Services Sdn Bhd 讲出对我的看法,他们觉得我没有信心。他们问了我一句,你知道你对那一行有兴趣吗?我却答了:“玩音乐”。因为在我没工作经验下,我只想到音乐。可是我对他们说我没想过要走做音乐这一行,因为玩音乐正的很难生存。他们也告诉了我没试怎么知道。在他们拒绝我的当儿,他们介绍我别个部门,讲了很多这份工的资料,也教了我一些在我还没找到工作之前可以做的一些事。我少少被他们的好意感动了,真的跟我之前所面试的公司不同。我会好好想一想的~^^

P/S: 没信心的来源是来自缺乏资讯。在不够准备的情况下去面试,成功的百分率也会减少。就因为失败的百分率高了,我们自己也会多多少少的失去些信心。不过,在你觉得没信心的当儿,为什么不去给自己进步的空间呢?因为机会只垂青有准备的人。)


Sunday, August 15, 2010


There is always a better choice..
It is the matter of will u willing to let go the old one
and accept the new one..
Come on~ there is still a lot of choices..
Don because of a tree, let go the whole forest.
right?? hehe~~

Thursday, August 12, 2010

From Her

She had gave me a sentences.
I choose to believe.
I will always keep in mind.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Blog of my love path~

Sunday, June 7, 2009

如果你喜欢的人骗了你 你还会继续喜欢他吗?



都说爱情是盲目的 就算被爱的人骗过一次又一次 还是会忍不住要去相信他
虽然 自己知道 这个人不可信了
孰能无过呢?如果只有一次 那就给他一次机会




Sunday, April 26, 2009

微晶华语词曲创作发表会的那一天~ (2009年4月5日)

我唱的这首歌“坚持相信”, 在舞台帮我伴凑的就有包括了>>
>Sam(和声), Moses(bass), Joanne(keyboard), Edmund(guitar), 以及 Benedict(Drum)
我很羡慕他们可以玩乐器玩到这么厉害le~ @.@

中午,在 main hall 等待彩排的开始。。


他有像蜡笔小新吧~ 哈哈

全部要变超人了。。 :P


我们来个大合照吧~ cheese~